Tax sale is not included in prices. 8.25% wil be included on invoice total.

Spring and fall are the best times to install sod because of the cooler temperatures and more rainfall. Summer is a good time as well, however, more attention needs to be paid to watering and keeping the new sod wet for the first few weeks during the hottest period of the year.
Sodding your lawn allows you to enjoy instant beauty and maturity without the usual time consuming hassles of seeding. When purchasing turf, be sure that you are getting the freshest, finest quality turf available.
Watering must be started immediately after the sod is installed. This way you can get started watering while the rest of the sod is being installed. It is essential that enough water is put down the first time to thoroughly soak the sod and the soil under the sod.
We install sod in some spots or entire lawn. Re-leveling with additional top soil if necessary.
We install Raleigh St Augustine, Tex Turf 10 Bermuda, Tif Green 328 Bermuda and Tif Way 419 Bermuda.
Our Installation Include: Ground preparation, tilling and add new top soil if need, new Sod, Labor and Delivery.
Raleigh St. Augustine
This warm-season grass has a coarse texture and is medium-to-dark green in color. It also has a creeping growth habit and dense turf.
Temperature Tolerance:
St. Augustine grass thrives well during the heat of summer months, and tolerates most of the winters in North Texas without much problem. Extreme cold temperatures that occur occasionally in this area can cause damage to St. Augustine grass, especially in shady areas.
Shade Tolerance:
The most shade tolerate of any of the warm season grasses. Can survive with as little as 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight daily.
Wear Resistance:
Exhibits poor wear tolerance to repeated foot traffic. Occasional traffic is not a problem on established turf. Has the ability to recover from damage rapidly once foot traffic is removed.
Water Requirements:
Requires irrigation during summer months of approximately 1/2-3/4 inch of water two to three times a week depending on soil type.
Disease and Insect Susceptibility:
Several diseases and insects can cause serious problems if not recognized and treated promptly.
Recommended Usage:
Still our best choice for lawns with partial shade. It will also perform well in lawns with full sun exposure. With proper care, St. Augustine will provide a thick beautiful lawn that discourages weed infestation.
The best varieties for this area are established from sod or plugs only. They include Raleigh and Palmetto.

Bermuda Grass
A warm-season grass with fine to medium texture, Bermuda grass is known for its dark green color. Vigorous growth along with an extensive root system combine to produce a dense hardy turf that is tolerant to most stress conditions.
Temperature Tolerance:
Bermuda exhibits excellent heat and cold tolerance if properly managed. Cold temperatures in winter will cause grass to go dormant but green up in spring is quick.
Shade Tolerance:
Very poor shade tolerance; requires full sun for most of the day to grow properly.
Wear Resistance:
One of our most wear resistant turfs. Can withstand moderate foot traffic without much damage. Recovers very quickly is damage has occurred.
Water Requirements:
Can survive with very little irrigation. However, in order to maintain good quality turf, waterings of approximately 1/2 - 3/4 inch two to three times a week depending on soil type may be required.
Disease and Insect Susceptibility:
Bermuda is susceptible to numerous diseases and insects. Proper detection and management can prevent any widespread damage.
Recommended Usage:
Bermuda can produce a very high quality turf if proper management is provided. It can also function as low maintenance turf for areas that will receive little care or irrigation. Because of this wide area of adaptation, it is utilized on everything from golf greens to roadsides.
There are numerous varieties available which can produce a quality turf. The improved varieties should be established from sod and include:
U-3 Select Common, Texturf 10, Tifway 419, Celebration
Zoysia Grass
Zoysia is a warm-season grass with a fine-to-medium texture and dark green color. It produces a low-growing, dense turf and has a slow growth rate.
Temperature Tolerance:
Tolerating heat exceptionally well, Zoysia also has one of the best overall cold tolerances of any warm season turf. It will turn totally dormant after the first frost but is one of the earliest grasses to green up in the spring.
Shade Tolerance:
Has moderate shade tolerance, which enables it to withstand some lower light conditions. Rated second in shade tolerance behind St. Augustine.
Wear Resistance:
Has some of the best wear resistance of any grass. If damage does occur, recovery is slow because of its slow growth rate.
Water Requirements:
Comparable to most of the warm season grasses. Has ability to live with little water, but to maintain quality turf, irrigation of approximately ½ - ¾ inch two to three times a week may be required.
Disease and Insect Susceptibility:
Overall Zoysia is highly resistant to most major turf diseases. Occasional insect problems can be controlled with proper management.
Recommended Usage:
Provides very good quality turf for home or business lawn. Moderate shade tolerance and excellent cold tolerance make it a grass that probably should be considered more often.
Improved varieties must be established from sod and include:
Palisades, El Toro, Emerald